Monthly Archives: January 2014

Monthly Archives: January 2014

The Camp Counselor vs. the Intern

The following article originally appeared in The New York Times on May 29th, 2012 and written by Dan Flesher.  In an act of quiet rebellion, my daughter will spend this summer as a counselor at a sleep-away camp in the Adirondacks. As rebellions go, this one is admittedly very tame. But she is resisting considerable […]

7 Reasons Why Your Middle Schooler Needs Camp

When I Googled the phrase “middle school,” two of the top hits were “Middle school survival” and “Middle school: the worst years of my life.” I found that to be a pretty good depiction of how most people feel about this slightly (or not so slightly) traumatizing and awkward period of life. There are a […]

Camping Magazine: Bunks Are Good for Brains

The following article appeared in Camping Magazine with an interview with Tina Payne Bryson, PhD: Tina Payne Bryson, PhD, will be delivering the opening keynote address at the 2014 ACA National Conference. Bryson is the coauthor (with Dan Siegel) of the bestselling The Whole-Brain Child, which is now in seventeen languages. She’s a pediatric and adolescent psychotherapist […]